"Every comic turn in this complicated tale is executed with grace and verve. Will Clinger (as Malvolio) and Scot West (as Feste) in particular turn in the kind of subtle, intelligent performances that make even Shakespeare's more forced comic scenes laugh-out-loud funny." - The Reader
"As the ill-used, puritanically misguided Malvolio, Will Clinger steals every scene he's in. Built like a praying mantis and gifted with killer comic instincts, the subplot misadventures of Malvolio are a high point of the production." - Chicago Sun-Times
"Will Clinger's much-abused Malvolio seems like a guy who could, under different circumstances, ...catch a mellower vibe. And those famous cross-garters...have seldom been put to better use than on Clinger's extra-lean form." - Chicago Tribune
"Clinger is delightful in his portrayal of the pranked Malvolio. [He] is a fun talent and always entertaining." - Oak Park Journal
"This accessible new Twelfth Night is a lot of fun...Pretentious, pompous Malvolio is solidly played by Will Clinger." - Wednesday Journal